Township Ordinances and Other Important Documents
*Ordinance Vacating Portions of Road, Route 516 and 477 – 1965
*Occupation Privilege Tax Ordinance- 1969
*Ordinance No. 2 of 1974 providing that no public street of the township be opened or cut by any person, firm, corporation or utility without first securing a permit in accordance with the township code
*Soliciting and Canvasing Ordinance – 1975
*Ordinance regulating Exhibitions and Carnivals—1975
*Ordinance granting permission to Joseph S. Gans to operate a Cable TV System in the Municipality- 1977
*Driveway Permit Ordinance – 1978 & Amendment - 2011
*Sewage Ordinance – 1980
*Building Permit Ordinance – 1980
*Annual Per capita Tax Ordinance – 1981
*Floodplain Management Ordinance – 1983 & 2012
*Ordinance Vacation a Portion of Township Route 526
*Ordinance for Compensation of Supervisors – 1986
*Ordinance for Weight Restriction on Certain Streets and Highways – 1987
*Ordinance prohibiting Student Smoking and Possession of Tobacco Products – 1987
*Ordinance vacating a portion of Route 508 – 1988
*Ordinance for the Licensing of Haulers/Transfer Stations – 1991
*Ordinance for Reimbursement of Extraordinary Expense and Services – 1991
*Nuisance Ordinance – 1996
* Ordinance Vacating a Portion of Route 453 – 1996
*Ordinance Vacating a portion of Route 479 – 1996
*Ordinance Vacating a Portion of Route 465 – 1996
* Ordinance Vacating a Portion of Public Highway adjoining Route 239 – 1996
*No Parking Ordinance – 1999
*Abandon Vehicle Ordinance – 2005
*Ordinance for Tax Collector – 2006
*Holding Tank Ordinance – 2006
*Emergency & Municipal Services Tax Ordinance – 2006 and Amendment – 2007
*Township Manager Ordinance – 2008
* Right To Know Policy – 2009
*Motor Vehicle Weight Limitation and Bonding Ordinance – 2010
*Ordinance Establishing Speed Limits – 2013
*Pension Trust Ordinance – 2015
*Unemployment Compensation Group Trust – 2015
*Health Insurance Trust – 2015
*Ordinance Vacating a Portion of Township Route 510 – 2017
The above ordinances can be reviewed at the “Law Library” in the Luzerne County Courthouse, 200 North River Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA or by submitting a “Right to Know Request” to the Open Records Officer- Lori Ragazzo, 21 Municipal Road, Shickshinny, PA 18655.

Mailbox Policy
Be it resolved, and it is hereby resolved and enacted by the Board of Supervisors of Union Township, Luzeme County, Pennsylvania, at the regularly scheduled meeting of said board held this 4's day of October, 2011 that the following mailbox policy will become effective on the 9th day of October 2011.
Any installation within the township road's right of way, including mailboxes or parked cars during a declared snow emergency, is placed there at the owner's risk.
Therefore owners are encouraged to install mailboxes at the maximum usable distance from the edge of the roadway. Post should be checked for deterioration to reduce the possibility that the weight of the plowed snow may simply break or push the post over.
The Township shall not repair or replace mailboxes or post damaged by the force or placement of plowed snow.
Permit Requirements
Zoning Permits Are Required For New Construction & Additions:
Houses, Mobile Homes, Garages, Carports, Barns, Sheds, Decks, Pools and Other Accessory Structure Changes in Use ( Property or Structure) business uses and signs.
Information required to obtain a zoning permit:
- Name, Address & Phone Number of Owner
- Pin Number: (Property Identification number from tax bill or deed) in order to determine the zone of the property.
- Drawing: Of the property showing the footprint of existing structures & proposed new structure/addition.
- Distances: To property lines (on drawing) from existing structures and proposed new construction.
- Copy of septic permit.
- Check or cash payable to Luzerne County Planning Commission.
This permit can be obtained at the Luzerne County Planning Commission, North Penn Ave, Wilkes-Barre PA 18701
Step 2
Obtain a Flood Plain Building Management Permit through the Union Township Office by contacting Lori Ragazzo at 570-256-7600
Obtain a Building Permit through a third party building Inspector: Recommendations:
Building Inspection Underwriters,
Dave Williams 570-344-9681
Larry C. Frace Inspections, LLC, 570-387-0687
Building Permits are not required for the following:
Replacement of Windows
Replacement of Siding
Replacement of Shingles (unless raising the roof or tearing it off and rebuilding it)