The Rich History Behind Union Township
Union Township was formed in July 1813, of territory taken from the original township of Huntington. It lies on the river, and two creeks forge their way through the mountains to the river and make the gaps for the farmers to follow in building their roads to the trading and shipping point, Shickshinny. The first settlements, outside of what is now Shickshinny borough, were made in the northwest of River mountain, in 1790, by Peter Gregory and George Fink. These men had married each other's sisters and had come from the valley of Delaware. Where they located was a rich and beautiful valley on the east branch of Shickshinny creek.
The creek, at this point, furnished good mill power and was soon utilized, as the first sawmills in the township were built on the claims of Gregory and Fink. Soon after the coming of these men, two other brothers-in-law, Stephen Arnold and Moses Derby, settled where is now Muhlenberg. They opened their farms, and soon other friends heard of this excellent place for farmers, and the stream began that has given the county some of its best farming communities. Commencing in 1793 was the heavy immigration to this and on to Huntington valley, by the people mostly from Connecticut.

The early settlers came mostly on sleds and at the season of the year when they could cross the many streams on the ice, following the old Indian paths after they "blazed" roads. In 1797 Stephen Roberts settled about midway between the above-named settlements, and shortly Marvins, Culvers, and Shaws were making pleasant homes in the wilderness. At about the same time, the families of James Van Scoter (now called Benscoter) and his sons, Anthony and John, also three then unmarried sons, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, were added to the Dutch settlement; all left numerous descendants. At about the same time also, the Belles, Davenport, Hans, Muchler, Huff, and Cragle families were added. In 1799 William Moore, an Irishman from Maryland with a large family, settled at the place known as Mooretown.
His descendants still own the farm. A granddaughter, Mrs. John Harried, remained there. The Huffman, Harned, Post, Bonham, Wolfe, Johnson, and Santee families came soon after 1800, and nearly all homes then formed are still retained in the families of descendants. December 24, 1801, Shadrach Austin, a son of the first occupant of Shickshinny, married Mary Gregory, daughter of Peter Gregory, Sr., and bought the present Austin homestead, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a teacher and a leader among his neighbors, and during a long, active life, "Uncle Shadrach" was almost universally spoken of as an exemplar worthy of imitation. He was born July 12, 1770, and died December 26, 1850. In 1815 John Hartman bought a farm and moved into a house where Samuel Huff had lived for several years, which was owned by his son, Stephen Hartman.

As the land could be bought at a low price and proved very productive, other old neighbors from Northampton and Lehigh counties soon followed, and a German settlement was formed as the Masters, Hobbes, Baer, Adelman, and Neville families all obtained land near the Hartmans, and long retained many of the customs and characteristics of the German population of the Lehigh Valley. Peter Gregory, Jr., and Richard Gregory, sons of the first settlers, bought and occupied farms. Richard lived for nearly 100 years. Joseph Gregory and John Gregory, sons of Peter, own and occupy parts of the old homestead. In 1813 James Search bought from Phillip and Margaret Hann the place near the river known as the Jessup farm, where he raised his family. His son Lot married Christina Fink, and settled just above Shickshinny, where the quarry is now and where Lot Search's store was once kept. Muhlenberg was one of the very early settlements, and has long been a post office, and had a store, hotel, church, and blacksmith shop. Reyburn had a post office and gristmill all in one and a little store. Koonsville is one mile from Shickshinny. A general store and tollgate, and the Kester Brothers had their mine furnishing factory and dealt extensively in lumber.
Union Township Officials List
Chairman- Allan Sorber
Vice Chairman- Daryl Morgan
Supervisor- Brian Tomassacci
Township Manager- Lori Ragazzo
Solicitor - Chester F. Dudick Jr
Tax Collector Information
Jane Featherman
98 Mountain Road
Shickshinny, PA 18655
Office Hours for Rebate only: Township Building, 21 Municipal Road, Shickshinny, PA 18655
March 21, 2024 Thru Rebate Period
Mondays 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm and
Thursday 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Other times by appointment only
Sewage Enforcement Officers:
Sewage Permits
Steven Egenski - 570-239-7086